Typically if I see a movie, it's usually been out for a while now.
Movies we've watched of late, Bronson -- Tom Hardy nails the character to a T, though I wasn't expecting to see his Bronson in the first 5 minutes of the film. The Greasy Strangler watched this one because of RedLetterMedia a long while ago, I remember it almost made me vomit. We watched it again recently, and again it almost made me vomit. My best friend was absolutely disturbed and traumatized, and that just made us laugh all the more about it. Sometimes we threaten to put on the Greasy Strangler again, and his visceral reaction is just awesome.
At some point we watched The Apocalypse Trilogy which is an unofficial nickname for John Carpenter's films. I can't remember if it was The Thing, Prince of Darkness and In the Mouth of Madness, or if it was They Live, PoD and ITMOM. I just assume it's The Thing. I forced them to watch my favorite film, Casablanca, which they didn't seem to mind too much. Falling Down which is just great, one of my friends has utter contempt for the film and calls it overrated, but he doesn't show up to movie nights either, so I can just ignore his opinions anyway.
We watched The Exorcist and The Exorcist III: Legion. Legion is a favorite of mine, the first Exorcist film is decidedly alright, but I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it. George C Scott is fantastic. We watched 1408, I'm not really a fan of Stephen King, but I like 1408 and the original 90s IT TV film. The Lighthouse with Robert Pattinson and Willem Defoe is good of course.
And of course you can't do a movie night group without watching Fight Club and American Psycho, they are absolutely required viewing. We've watched a lot of found footage films of late, most of them were from my own catalogue of films, but we watched one I'd never seen before The Borderlands, which is not about psycho mutants in a Mad Max style wasteland, but instead about psycho catholic priests in an Irish wasteland, absolutely dreadful ending. Guests of honor: [The Blair Witch], [Lake Mungo], [The Tunnel], [As Above, So Below].
We watched The Evil Dead 1 and 2, haven't watched Army yet, then we'll get into the new ones (which I don't much care for, but c'est la vie). We watched White Noise with Michael Keaton still doing his Batman routine. Dishonorable mention: Wish Upon, to hell with that movie.
We watched through the original Ring movies, I didn't mind most of them, but the last two [Black/White] I hated with a passion. We'll get to Ju-On eventually. Parasite Eve was okay, but is based on the novel so it was unfamiliar to us. Kairo (also called Pulse) is decent, but the ending is crazy.
We watched RedLetterMedia's The Recovered and Gorilla Interrupted. I like them, but I understand why they tell people not to watch them. Liked the followup film How not to make a movie where they recount how they made Gorilla, and how Mike Stoklassa came to hate Garrett Gilchrist. Totally deserved enmity, in my opinion. Especially considering the stories he's been telling about them behind their backs. Not related to movies, though, moving on.
Blade Runner is awesome, nuff said. We watched The Final Cut, but I'm gonna make them watch the Theatrical Cut soon. Harrison Ford's horrible narration must be witnessed.
We watched The Call of Cthulhu and The Whisperer in Darkness, both by the HP Lovecraft Historical Society. Great films, both made in black and white to hide the lack of budget (Call of Cthulhu is actually a silent film too). They used digital film grain, since the movies were shot on digital, which is always a drag, but it is what it is. A while ago we watched The Lurking Fear, which is just awful. My friend requested a film Macario which is a Mexican film about mortality. Not really my thing, didn't care for it.
Oh right, also we watched The Menu with Anya-Taylor Joy. Good film, but we had a guest viewer and he just wouldn't stop asking me to tell him what happens next in the plot, it's like shut up and watch, the plot will happen in good time.
Movies we've watched of late, Bronson -- Tom Hardy nails the character to a T, though I wasn't expecting to see his Bronson in the first 5 minutes of the film. The Greasy Strangler watched this one because of RedLetterMedia a long while ago, I remember it almost made me vomit. We watched it again recently, and again it almost made me vomit. My best friend was absolutely disturbed and traumatized, and that just made us laugh all the more about it. Sometimes we threaten to put on the Greasy Strangler again, and his visceral reaction is just awesome.
At some point we watched The Apocalypse Trilogy which is an unofficial nickname for John Carpenter's films. I can't remember if it was The Thing, Prince of Darkness and In the Mouth of Madness, or if it was They Live, PoD and ITMOM. I just assume it's The Thing. I forced them to watch my favorite film, Casablanca, which they didn't seem to mind too much. Falling Down which is just great, one of my friends has utter contempt for the film and calls it overrated, but he doesn't show up to movie nights either, so I can just ignore his opinions anyway.
We watched The Exorcist and The Exorcist III: Legion. Legion is a favorite of mine, the first Exorcist film is decidedly alright, but I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it. George C Scott is fantastic. We watched 1408, I'm not really a fan of Stephen King, but I like 1408 and the original 90s IT TV film. The Lighthouse with Robert Pattinson and Willem Defoe is good of course.
And of course you can't do a movie night group without watching Fight Club and American Psycho, they are absolutely required viewing. We've watched a lot of found footage films of late, most of them were from my own catalogue of films, but we watched one I'd never seen before The Borderlands, which is not about psycho mutants in a Mad Max style wasteland, but instead about psycho catholic priests in an Irish wasteland, absolutely dreadful ending. Guests of honor: [The Blair Witch], [Lake Mungo], [The Tunnel], [As Above, So Below].
We watched The Evil Dead 1 and 2, haven't watched Army yet, then we'll get into the new ones (which I don't much care for, but c'est la vie). We watched White Noise with Michael Keaton still doing his Batman routine. Dishonorable mention: Wish Upon, to hell with that movie.
We watched through the original Ring movies, I didn't mind most of them, but the last two [Black/White] I hated with a passion. We'll get to Ju-On eventually. Parasite Eve was okay, but is based on the novel so it was unfamiliar to us. Kairo (also called Pulse) is decent, but the ending is crazy.
We watched RedLetterMedia's The Recovered and Gorilla Interrupted. I like them, but I understand why they tell people not to watch them. Liked the followup film How not to make a movie where they recount how they made Gorilla, and how Mike Stoklassa came to hate Garrett Gilchrist. Totally deserved enmity, in my opinion. Especially considering the stories he's been telling about them behind their backs. Not related to movies, though, moving on.
Blade Runner is awesome, nuff said. We watched The Final Cut, but I'm gonna make them watch the Theatrical Cut soon. Harrison Ford's horrible narration must be witnessed.
We watched The Call of Cthulhu and The Whisperer in Darkness, both by the HP Lovecraft Historical Society. Great films, both made in black and white to hide the lack of budget (Call of Cthulhu is actually a silent film too). They used digital film grain, since the movies were shot on digital, which is always a drag, but it is what it is. A while ago we watched The Lurking Fear, which is just awful. My friend requested a film Macario which is a Mexican film about mortality. Not really my thing, didn't care for it.
Oh right, also we watched The Menu with Anya-Taylor Joy. Good film, but we had a guest viewer and he just wouldn't stop asking me to tell him what happens next in the plot, it's like shut up and watch, the plot will happen in good time.