General Discussion => Political Ranting => Topic started by: Crewe on October 29, 2020, 05:05:30 PM

Title: Covid
Post by: Crewe on October 29, 2020, 05:05:30 PM
EDIT - I was posting this in life but thought it would be safer here.

I didnt want to post another thread and it's not intended to be political, but move it there if you feel otherwise.
I just discovered this today and it still blows my mind.

So you know I was bowling quite frequently, in a few different leagues, but during the pandemic, we stopped.
The bowling center has been open and restarted leagues recently. Both of my teams elected not to participate despite wanting to because we are avid bowlers.
I communicate once in a while with one girl who has started back bowling full time in those leagues as does her father. I know them both and am friends with them.
I was trying to get in touch with another guy who I bowl with who hasnt been responding to my messages so I contacted her to see if she had seen him lately.
The answer was no. But, she said, dad's in the hospital with Covid.
Fuck man, that sucks.
He was tested Monday, hospital sent him home with motrin for minor symptoms (comparatively I guess) but Tuesday he worsened and is back in.
She says docs think he's going to be ok but it's going to be a long road, considering he now has pneumonia too.

I didnt like hearing this, but I hated this even worse...
She said, "you know noone at <the center> would admit to having Covid." (first of all, no, I don't know that, but didnt say anything)
and continued on; I wasnt going to tell anyone but when dad worsened, I figured I better not lie.
I wasnt quite sure what that meant, but I responded that yes, she should tell them.
It was also relayed to me that he was exposed two weeks ago (how she is so sure I dont know, I didnt ask) which means he could have been to the lanes, not once, but twice, while infected.
Granted, he didnt know he had it those two weeks.

As I type this, I feel it becoming political, and should maybe move it over...yea, I think I will...

So this girl, I knew she was a Trump supporter early on after meeting her. Not by anything she said or any iscussion, she just flat out asked me while Trump was on the news or something like that, cant recall. I said no an it never came up again.
But, and this is just my personal view;
One, she's a woman - supporting Trump, which kinda surprises me.
Two, she's military - supporting Trump...and
Three, she's gay, supporting Trump.
I cannot fathom the disconnect, personally. But, I bring that up because in our conversation today, she added this little nugget;
I shifted the conversation to see how the lanes were handling things since I havent been there since the February.
She said they were making people were masks but no distancing...and added that she honestly didn't think any of those measures work and that we all need to get Covid and build our immunity up.

I just thought I'd share....
Title: Re: Covid
Post by: TheNorm on October 29, 2020, 07:33:39 PM
First off, I just want to say I have my fingers crossed for your acquaintances and anyone they may have come in contact with.

JFC. This is the kind of bullshit we're all running into because some orange fascist fuckopotamus decided to make all of this political, that fucking idiot. Decided that he knew better than the scientists and medical personnel, because the narcissistic bumbling fuck can't handle that someone may know more than him...and people are dumb enough to fall for his bullshit, so they won't listen even when all the facts are right in front of their face. 

220000+ dead Americans so far, millions more infected.
Title: Re: Covid
Post by: BojackHorsefella on October 29, 2020, 07:51:35 PM
Quote from: TheNorm on October 29, 2020, 07:33:39 PM
JFC. This is the kind of bullshit we're all running into because some orange fascist fuckopotamus decided to make all of this political, that fucking idiot. Decided that he knew better than the scientists and medical personnel, because the narcissistic bumbling fuck can't handle that someone may know more than him...and people are dumb enough to fall for his bullshit, so they won't listen even when all the facts are right in front of their face.

But that's just the thing, right? It's not just Trump. The fact is, the GOP has been waging a war on science for YEARS. People like Cruz, Paul, McConnell, Walker, Ryan, all pre-date Trump. Hell, go back to the Bush administration if you'd like (and obviously even before that). They've waged their war against science in the halls of Congress, they've waged it on TV on Fox News and now OANN, on the airwaves via Rush Limbaugh and Alex Jones and Glenn Beck, on the internet at sites like Breitbart and Drudge and Reddit. Trump's a match at best, the entire GOP is the powder keg he lit.

There's also the fact that people who have faced ZERO oppression in their entire lifetimes now see "Wear a mask so you don't kill your fellow citizens" as oppression, because their moral compasses are all fucked. How do we fix it? No idea!

"she honestly didn't think any of those measures work and that we all need to get Covid and build our immunity up."

I also hate this. All these people saying "We should just get herd immunity" should go outside, find someone infected with COVID, lick them, and then go into their house for two weeks. If they want to be so fucking cavalier about the lives of others (because, what "herd immunity" means to them is "kill as many others as possible, besides me and my family, until we don't have to worry about this anymore, because Republicans are a death cult), then they should be willing to volunteer themselves and their families first.
Title: Re: Covid
Post by: Crewe on October 29, 2020, 10:26:46 PM
You know, Ive said it here before that Trump and his ilk have driven the empathy from me, but you know, when I saw that text that her dad had Covid and in the hospital, my first thought was for his recovery.
And secondarily, as much as I wanted to tell her to gie him a can of Lysol and go stand in the sunshine, I didnt.
I even thought, hell, tell him thank you for doing his part to keep the economy going. Is it too early to apply for his job?
You stupid fucking cunt.
I didnt say those things, because no matter how pissed off I get, and no matter how often I say these stupid goddamn motherfuckers deserve a fucking painful slow death;
I really don't.
I know. That's me being a pussy liberal.
This country man. I try to sleep at night just shaking my fucking head. And knowing it's going to be at the very least, another year before we even begin to recover from this, and all the while having to deal with people like this.

To your point about the GOP v science, I agree with you, but beyond that, I think the thing that has hurt this country more in my lifetime than anything else is the destruction of our education system.
Is it intentional? I dont know. Who's responsible? Local government, federal government? All of the above?
Probably. But it doesn't matter who or why now. We are in it neck deep.

People with the highest education are stoned because of their intellect. Mocked for being idiots and morons, ironically, by idiots and morons. Our population is educated by memes now.
You tie all this in with the "fake news" that started way back in Nixon's day that has now blossomed in to Rush and Jones, et al.
Verifiable fucking facts are dismissed by the masses because of who points them out.
I saw a woman at a Trump rally deny that Trump had said xyz, cant recall waht it was, and the woman said ah he never said that. The interviewer pulled it up on her phone, yes, he did, here's video of him saying it! She just waved her hand, eh it's all fake news.
That's lack of education. That's an inability to think creatively. That's inability to think, period.
Doesn't matter what or who caused it, I think it's true to our dilemma.
Worse thing is, there's no way to fix it to where we will see benefits. Not in our lifetime anyway.
So, it's just going to get worse and worse.
More anti vaxxers. More flat earthers. More anti intellectuals.
And I believe, as I posted in the movies thread, social media is the perfect conduit for all of the groups to coalesce and create more disturbing anti movements that have no point except social decay.

We are a third world country now.

*Edit to add ---

"she honestly didn't think any of those measures work and that we all need to get Covid and build our immunity up."

I also hate this. All these people saying "We should just get herd immunity" should go outside, find someone infected with COVID, lick them, and then go into their house for two weeks. If they want to be so fucking cavalier about the lives of others (because, what "herd immunity" means to them is "kill as many others as possible, besides me and my family, until we don't have to worry about this anymore, because Republicans are a death cult), then they should be willing to volunteer themselves and their families first.

Bo, I wanted to address this too.
Ive seen Trumpers or their family members get Covid, and I guess the one and probably only redeeming them about them is now, they finally get it. It's finally real. Shit. Dad died. I guess it isn't really a hoax. Or gee, mom hooked up to a ventilator and hanging by a thread for weeks or months, you mean that's real?
Nevermind the after affects and all that shit, she's one of the 99% that survived so, yay it's ok.
Those people, at least! have been shaken in to reality, and show contrition and in the rarest of rare cases, even begin to support measures to help stop the spread.
But her? She says we should all fucking get it??
That's just a tremendous fucking new low for me.
Knowing there are more of her frightens me more than the last two Supreme Court Justices.
Title: Re: Covid
Post by: BojackHorsefella on October 30, 2020, 02:53:44 PM
Quote from: Crewe on October 29, 2020, 10:26:46 PM
Ive seen Trumpers or their family members get Covid, and I guess the one and probably only redeeming them about them is now, they finally get it. It's finally real. Shit. Dad died. I guess it isn't really a hoax. Or gee, mom hooked up to a ventilator and hanging by a thread for weeks or months, you mean that's real?

And that's the thing, right? It would be fine if you didn't want to take Covid seriously, if you wanted to "take that chance" for yourself if we had an actual COVID response. Like, our kids get chicken pox so what do we do sometimes? Set up playdates with other kids so they can spread it and get it over with. Why can we do this? Because the hospitals aren't filled with chickenpox cases.

People want to have their Covid parties and stuff, and you know what, you could maybe, MAYBE actually do that, if we had proper social distancing, mask usage, and if we didn't have hospitals setting up stations outside in tents to assist patients. Sure, in this scenario, if 20 people want to have a Covid party, it's not what I'D personally do, but the hospitals aren't filled to capacity and can accept the intake. Hell, make it mandatory for them to give blood for the antibodies after (if?) they recover, that seems like an excellent solution. But, we can't do that, because the hospitals are instead filled to the brim because people have decided they just want to brute force their way through a pandemic, lives of others be damned.
Title: Re: Covid
Post by: Crewe on October 30, 2020, 06:04:38 PM
right, it's not helpful when our resources are beyond capacity, consistently and then these yokels are...well, nevermind, there's nothing more I can add
Title: Re: Covid
Post by: Crewe on November 11, 2020, 11:46:32 AM
So my Trump cousin who normally hosts Thanksgiving now since my mom passed years ago, has openly defied Covid along with her husband.
After returning from a fucking cruise they are now sick but havent been tested.
I wonder why? I just want to smack the living shit out of them, but you know, you cant be rude because people have a different belief than you
It's not a belief, fuckwits!

This shit is way out of hand and it just seems like noone cares anymore.
It's going to get worse because of the election, celebratory and protesting crowds, and mainly because they think a vaccine is on the horizon and it will be over soon.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Im willing to be we wont even begin to return to normal for a year.
Title: Re: Covid
Post by: TheNorm on November 11, 2020, 09:39:17 PM
We need a national lockdown. Like yesterday.
Title: Re: Covid
Post by: Crewe on November 11, 2020, 11:11:04 PM
muh rights