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Red Dead Redemption 2

Started by Crewe, October 01, 2018, 02:48:30 PM

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True, sometimes it is and sometimes not, I guess I'm just a cynical ass lol
Now that you mention it, I've ruined a couple of scenarios by accidentally  pulling my gun. Nice to know it's not just me lol


So ve tagged the legendary moose, ram and buck. Three of the most apparently worthless pelts lol
Took me a bit to figure out the hunting and I'm still not sure how it goes, bu I see the legendary map, go to those spots, but that doesn't necessarily put me in the "legendary hunting area" which I wasted. lot of time outside of said areas. I was thinking, this is a lot like my real hunting experiences, walk for a while, sit on my ass for a while for days on end, see nothing and go home lol
But it seems to me that once you enter the area (how do I know if I accidentally leave the area) and find a track, it will give you a white circle to explore within which is helpful.

So, you guys know by now, there's going to be a weird story with everything I do and the Buck was no exception.
While hunting, I ran across a perfect coyote. lined him up perfectly and killed him for a perfect pelt.
In case you didnt know, you cant really use binocs while carrying a pelt, much less shoot, so every time I had to drop it, forgot, had to go back.
Once I killed the Buck, I had Roso tied way far away so I was going to have to hoof it back only I cant carry two pelts for some reason.
So, I plant the coyote fur on a big rock, head back, get my horse, come back and the pelt is gone.
Oh well...

Oh and I did find one other thing. Earlier on, I made a perfect kill on some animal and it said "poor pelt" and I thought, how in the hell??
I discovered if you look at them through binocs and use r2 to "study" the animal, it will tell you the condition.
So that saved me a ton of time.
Not sure how many more of these I will try for, Im wanting a new satchel, so I may get that and then go bak to the story.
I saw where my story was about 65% complete


That legendary fish with Hamish, sonofabitch.
I think I was doing something wrong because I reeled that thing in for at least thirty real life minutes. Sheesh.

So I was jetting down a trail when I saw a red dot which I knew would be an animal so I pulled out my bow and was going to try to get a clean shot as I rode by before Rosco got spooked and bucked me.
Turns out it wa a cougar that slow prowled me and I elected a perfect head shot for a perfect pelt.
But get this; at the trapper hut, I was deciding what I wanted with it. I really wanted the vest but I wanted to see what else I could get and I noticed a saddle.
Well, when you highlight it, you cant see what it looks like. On screen you just see the trapper. Bottom right, the icon says r2 to "view" so when I click that, it just gives me a closer view of the trapper lol
Ok, so apparently its like the general store where you click the item, get to view and then decide if you want it.
Nope. You click it, you bought it. And! I still dont know wtf it looks like, and I dont get my vest, and here's the kicker, I dont even know where the f the saddle is lol I have so much to learn.

So another trail story; Im blazing along and see a big animal, as it runs away spooked, I discover its a black bear.
Now I dont know why but I thought it was legendary so I grabbed my shot gun and put some shrapnel in his ass and took off after him.
No less than about 7-10 minutes of frantic tracking and at least a dozen rounds, the bastard final went down.
And then I discovered he was just a bear. So I shot that pelt to shit and wasted all my anxiety on that pursuit.

I did get another legendary something, Ram I think, and the fish, and I already had the moose, I think one more, but I know there's tons more to go.
I spent the last two real days hunting (ok not all hours both days but you know)?
So, questions:
How the hell do you get the blackjack tables to open? Ive been in a couple of saloons and see them but cant activate them. Do I need to achieve certain challenges at hold em first?

Also I was browsing stats an Im 65% through the total game and 69% through the story.
I looked at other things and I haven't discovered hardly any animals available, but what really shocked me were the guns.
There's like 60 guns I think? I only have like 15 or 18. When I go to a gunsmith, the weapons they sell are shittier than mine an anything I ever see on dead guys are guns worse than mine.
Is there some secret stash Im not seeing? I think my guns are way outdated. Even with split point ammo I have to tag a guy three or four times with my pistol (which is cleaned)
Challenges, al other things, man, Ive got a ton of ground to cover.

Oh and fun story of the day, skipped past some fellas hooting and hollering so I stopped and snuck up to see what was going on.
Turns out it wa a klan rally, so I just opened up lol
Now that was fun. And what's even better, is your honor doesn't get dinged for just outright killing those guys.
I hope I find more of them ;-)


Go to the stables your saddle should be there as an option to equip on your horse.


found it lol thanks

So wait, RDR1 takes place after RDR2?
I didnt play 1 enough to take in the story.

Im at the first epilogue and Abigail turned into quite the twat.
I understand she had to move the story forward but such illogical burdens placed on Marston, repercussions he cant avoid from the life he led, which she did too and should know full well. Good riddance.
I love Arthur's arc and the story in general was great. Hated Dutch from the outset and now I feel bad for liking Micah's character lol
I found it interesting that Micah had the white hat and Arthur the black; intentional?  :-\


Quote from: Crewe on April 29, 2020, 05:26:33 PM
found it lol thanks

So wait, RDR1 takes place after RDR2?
I didnt play 1 enough to take in the story.

Im at the first epilogue and Abigail turned into quite the twat.
I understand she had to move the story forward but such illogical burdens placed on Marston, repercussions he cant avoid from the life he led, which she did too and should know full well. Good riddance.
I love Arthur's arc and the story in general was great. Hated Dutch from the outset and now I feel bad for liking Micah's character lol
I found it interesting that Micah had the white hat and Arthur the black; intentional?  :-\

Yep, RDR2 is the prequel of sorts to RDR. Should definitely playthrough that one too, was one of Rockstar's best on the PS3.
And f*ck Micah lol, didn't even like that dude even before all the stuff goes sideways. I'd seen one little video on reddit where you're getting ready to start a mission with Micah, and the player just kept running over Micah with his horse for a good minute or two before finally starting the mission. Since I found out I hadn't hit that mission yet at the time, once I got there I did the same thing for probably five minutes hahaha. Just like the first time I found out you could pet dogs in this game lol.

Damn you've got me wanting to play through this story again, even though I just finally finished the epilogues a month ago lol.

*EDIT* Looking through this thread, finished the main story last May then finally through the second epilogue on March 25th. Spidey and NBA 2K took up most of my play time before this game dropped and definitely during.
"But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots. It would be morally irresponsible for me to do that without, at the same time, condemning the contingent, intolerable conditions that exist in our society. These conditions are the things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention. And I must say tonight that a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the negro poor has worsened over the last twelve or fifteen years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice and humanity." - Martin Luther King, Jr


lol I didnt like him at first after breaking him out of jail, but then his sarcastic drivel was kinda enjoyable even though he was supposed to be hated.
I dont think I could finish 100% on this game, but now that Im done, I might ride around and see what's what.
Is there any benefit to doing that or should I just start another play through with bad Arthur?


Im on my bad guy play through and I have a few questions.
One, is there a way to not do the mission where Arthur contracts TB, or is that part of the actual story? I couldn't remember if it was an option mission or not.
Second, those of you who played bad Arthur, did you get him all the way red in the good guy bad guy meter?
On first play through I was all white good guy, not sure how I want to play this time around. Ive done a few bad things but not terrible.
Example? Sure. Ill beat up a good guy instead of killing him. Like, when I trespass on a ranch and they start shooting at me, Ill just bum rush and beat the crap out of them and dont rob them.
I still get red tagged though...but maybe to a lesser degree? I didnt notice.


I know in the first chapter of story mode, you can't move the bar ALL the way to the left or to the right. So you could just go around non-stop killing everyone you come across, you'll never be fully "bad" until you get to Chapter 2 and do it again.

And no, the TB mission is a story mission, not an optional one. I can't remember if it comes up in Chapter 1 or 2. It's given to you by the debt collector dude, but all of the names he gives you are optional EXCEPT that one, which is why everyone thinks they can skip it after the first play through (as I had planned to do, UNTIL THE UNTHINKABLE).

But yeah, I had my good Arthur all the way to the right (all you have to do is greet 3 people for your good guy meter to go up. Head to Saint Denis, have a greeting frenzy, and you're gold!) and my bad Arthur is already all the way to the left in Chapter 3, where he remains in stasis to this day.


lol I had no idea that greeting had a purpose.
Im in chapter 2 so I miss my killing spree dammit!. Not sure I wanna go completely red with him, maybe stay in a gray area but we will see.
I do know I'm gonna go dust that farmer in Emerald Station because he shot at me when I was riding through his field lol


ok, so this was funny to me

and this one makes me want to play again even though Im already playing!

Why are there scenes here Ive never encountered??
Like breaking Arthur out of jail?
is this what happened if you surrender after murder? Ive surrendered after a drunken thing and was jailed put paid bail and was out.
This makes me feel Im missing a big part of the game lol


And while we'r at it, can I just say, damn that Arabian mare is a real horse's ass to catch.
Im setting a world Red Dead record for number of game and real days spent trying to own that damn thing.
How many times did it take y'all to nab that horse, and how exactly? I think I know how, I just can't.
I go in, spot her, approach, calm, lasso and have even mounted three times to no avail. I think you are supposed to move the left stick the opposite way she is bucking to stay on while pressing square to calm, right? That's what I do anyway.
So I get bucked, track her, wash rinse repeat about two times until I lose the trail for good. Then I hav to leave the area completely so it will show back up and its so far north, its pointless to go to camp and back. So, I fart around up there, fleeing from the bounty hunters who are aggressive AF btw.
Then the next day I go back, wash rinse repeat.
Im not accomplishing another damn thing till I get that horse. I wish I could just have someone do it for me lol

I had other questions too but have since forgotten...
This thread is going to be 30 pages by the time I'm done


That's the part I love about the game (minus the bounty hunters). Deciding to just go off and like, hunt for a bunch of pelts and meat to sell, going fishing, and just making camp multiple nights is so much fun, in this Wild West time. Then you go into town for a few days, treat yourself to a bath every night, hit up the bar to drink and play poker, hahaha.

It's silly, but it's such a fun game to escape into. There's no reason to rush to do anything the second playthrough, you already know the story. You can just do anything, however long you want.

Be sure to do as much side stuff as possible each chapter. There are certain events (those events where you see the white dot pop up on your map, I think. Maybe those "?" ones too) that trigger at different times and places on the map across each chapter. There's a dad and his two kids building a house outside Valentine. In one of the chapters you can help protect them from wolves (or not). The tree loggers up bear Van Horn or so. The brother and sister in that one cabin. The vampire in St Denis. The serial killer.

Ugh, I want to play it but I can't break away from For Honor.


Man, I thought I did all the white dot and question mark stuff, well, I know I did, at least ll the stuff I witnessed.
But somehow Im missing out on a ton of stuff I guess.
Im in no real hurry, and in this play through as well as my previous one, I did what you said, go hunt, fish, camp, play poker, get into fights lol
But I want that damn horse. I didnt even know about it the first game.

So it sounds like you never paid any of your bounties? I haven't thus far but Ill pay the 10-20 dollar stuff, but not the 300 dollar tag, unless it just gets too relentless.
Can you hunt a bounty while there is a price on your head? Maybe just not in the county you are wanted? I dunno.

Ive been on Chapter two forever. I just did the other mission with Hosea just because I wanted access to th fence and now Iim just doing other stuff, actually Im trying to do quite a bit of stuff before even closing out chapter two basically because I like it at Horshoe, all the other camps suck canal water.

Did I also just discover you can buy guns at the fence? I wondered why I only had about 20 of apparently 60 weapons my last play through.

Any other tips, hit me.
Im pretty well exploring the whole map during Chapter two just because I can.


No, I used those gold bars to build up enough money to pay any bounties after a while because the bounty hunters were so annoying.